![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:21 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So on Thursday I get to have my wisdom teeth removed from my mouth. Yay! I'm really not looking forward to this at all. Thankfully because they haven't come in yet the surgeon said it should only take around 30 minutes. I hope that's true because I want to be out of that place as soon as I can because I hate dentistry and almost everything medical. So hopefully I'll be fine by this weekend to be able to do some stuff that has come up.
TE37's for your time.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:23 |
Got all four of mine removed. I dont remember a thing. Only soreness for a few days after. But i got some good pain meds :)
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:33 |
I share your hatred for dentistry and medical things. Hospitals and dentist offices are always cold and smell of metal. I wish you luck.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:34 |
Thanks. I hate the smell, the atmosphere, and the scraping on my teeth. *shudders*
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:39 |
There won't be any scraping. What there will be might be worse in your opinion though. Just get through the locals (the worst part in my opinion), and as soon as they start pulling you'll be out in about ten minutes. Aside from that take your pain pills as much as prescribed and to feel comfortable the first few days and you should be back on track to eating Doritos within a week.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:42 |
They have to cut them out of my gums so I think they said I'd be out before they start. Hopefully because all of this stuff really makes me uncomfortable. I don't have a light stomach but medical stuff just freaks me out.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:43 |
Pretty much this. I had to do mine in multiple goes so I can tell you what is better and what is worse. Don't hold back on your pain meds is my #1 advice. Take them before you hurt. Don't abuse them though. I tried to use the least amount possible and ended up screwing myself over. Taking the prescribed 1-2(2) every 6-8(6) hours made recovery so much better the second time.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:46 |
Okay, hopefully they knock you out. I have had teeth pulled three times. #1 Wisdom teeth on one side #2 Wisdom teeth on the other side #3 Tooth messed up by waiting too long to get my wisdom teeth pulled and root canal gone wrong.
Best advice is take care of yourself afterwards for at least a couple days. The better care you start with the faster you will recover.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:48 |
Yeah, they said they were going to knock me out and then put in Novocaine after I was asleep.
I've had one pulled when I was younger because it was causing my adult tooth to come in weird. I didn't like the feeling of that one bit. I probably will sleep all day on Thursday since my appt is at 8 am. I don't know how I'll feel on Friday, probably crappy.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:52 |
Wake up in time for your pain pills. Take them before you hurt. If not you will regret it later. I have been talking a lot about the pain meds and I feel this might make me sound like a pillhead but it's the opposite. I hate taking medicine and I try to avoid it as much as possible. I dragged it out and actually ended up taking vicodin for nearly a month afterwards because I avoided it.
I took it at prescribed intervals and before I hurt the second time and I was done with them in three days.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 21:54 |
Yeah, my mom will be home so she'll probably be waking me up every couple hours. I hate having to take stuff too. Thanks for the advice too.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 22:12 |
Sounds like you're young...good. Supposed to be worse as you age. I have 1 left; it's not coming out. The last one was done when I was about 28. My dentist got it busted into three pieces and none would come out. He blasted me up with extra Novacain, put me in a car with my then-girlfriend (and now wife of 23 years) and sent me across town to an oral surgeon. Anesthesiologist put the thing in my arm, "Do you feel anything?" "No...wait, yes * " and that was it. Woke up 90 minutes later. Recovery with good drugs helps...being young really helps.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 22:15 |
Yeah, I'm 16 and they haven't come in yet but they are impacted, the roots on the bottom haven't formed yet so now was the best time to do it. That's part of the reason it should be such a quick operation. At least I've still got two weeks before school starts to recover fully.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 22:54 |
I have all 4 in, they hurt. I wish I could get mine out but I have to wait till january
![]() 08/17/2014 at 23:12 |
when i had mine done, there were fantastic drugs involved. if you get fantastic drugs, you'll be fine.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 23:41 |
I recommend reading slaughterhouse five while on the painkillers. I did after I got my teeth out and it was fantastic.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 23:47 |
I'm due for that in December... Help!!!
![]() 08/17/2014 at 23:48 |
I did mine a couple years ago. Expect to be lazy or swollen for a week. Once it's over, it's not so bad.
![]() 08/17/2014 at 23:50 |
Lets just hope you turn into this guy under sedation:
Now thats a story you'd remember forever
![]() 08/18/2014 at 00:31 |
I dreaded getting mine out, but actually, it was a very relaxing couple of days. Just keep the ice pack on, and take your pills! And Netflix will be your friend.
![]() 08/18/2014 at 00:33 |
Loads of Top Gear and How I Met Your Mother to watch so that's a plus.
![]() 08/18/2014 at 00:44 |
I suggest Mad Men as well
![]() 08/18/2014 at 00:45 |
Is it on Netflix? I've heard great things about it.
![]() 08/18/2014 at 02:05 |
Yup, I think the first 6 seasons are.
![]() 08/18/2014 at 14:23 |
You'll be fine. I had the exact same thing done when I was in high school. They were compacted and the oral surgeon had to cut them out. I had it done either Friday morning or Saturday morning, and was back in school on Monday, still sporting swollen chipmonk cheeks. All I remember is sitting in the chair looking out the window when the anesthesia took over, then the next thing I know I'm waking up in the recliner at home. On the bright side, you can pretty much eat as much icecream as you want for a few days after.